Sunday, April 23, 2017

Film review: Best Man Down (2012)


When their best man, Lumpy suddenly dies. The newlywed couple cancel their honeymoon and prepare for his funeral. They tried to gather Lumpy' special persons left to be gathered together on his funeral. Along the way, they found out the unexpected things that draw them all closely.


This film is about Lumpy and how he lived his life until his suddenly death that caused sorrow for his loved ones. Lumpy is a good best friend, he gave Mexico holiday as honeymoon gift for his best friend, Scott. Scott determined to give the best moments for his best friend at his funeral. He tried to gather Lumpy' loved ones.

Later, Scott drive to Northern Minnesota to meet Ramsey Anderson, which later we know that she is Lumpy best friend and lover. Ramsey lied that she is pregnant with Lumpy' child to confirm the couple that she wants to join Lumpy' funeral.

Along the way, they found unexpected things like Scott resigned his job because he can not stand Rick and other things at his job. His bride Kristen also addicted to xanax in order to ease her anxiety. Ramsey life is not any better than two of them, she had her mom' boyfriend that cooked crystal meth to make money. The story is complicated yet fun.

I know this film is box office failure. Yet I think this film is still funny and interesting. It makes me laugh and sad at the same time. I recommend this film if you like daily comedy drama.

Rating: 7/10

Kind regards,


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